New Zealand Government Scholarships

One of the great scholarship opportunities for Papua New Guineas is the New Zealand Development Scholarships which are funded by the New Zealand Aid Programme through the New Zealand Government’s overseas aid and development programme. They are managed by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT).

Many Papua New Guineas have been benefited from this scholarship. It is easy to apply if you meet the requirements.

The Purpose of New Zealand Government Scholarship

The purpose of the scholarships is for candidates to gain knowledge and skills through post-graduate study in specific subject areas which will assist in the development of their home country. Awardees are required to return to their home country for at least two years after the completion of their scholarship to apply these new skills and knowledge in government, civil society, or private business organisations.

How can Papua New Guineans Apply for this Scholarships?

Usually the applications advertised in the local newspaper around February and March every year. The New Zealand Government Scholarships are both open for Private Sector (Business, Churches,Organisation) and for Public Sector (Government, Schools,Universitys). If you meet the requirements of this scholarship, you can start apply.

The following steps outline how you can get started with your application

1. Watch out for Newspaper advertisement around February or March every year
2. Write to New Zealand  High Commission at Waigani office   for application (Note: All New Zealand Scholarship  are managed by New Zealand High Commission).
3. Fill the application with all necessary documents to Scholarship PNG (All necessary documents that you will attach will be stated on the application.
4. If you application is  successful and if you are shortlisted, New Zealand High Commision  will conduct interviews.
5. You will then apply for travel documents (Passport, Student VISA, Medical Checks)

For all the information on Eligibility, Scholarship Benefits and etc, you can visit the scholarship website:  New Zealand Development Scholarship 

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