A filmmaker, Ezinne Akam, has taken to social media to raise the alarm after police officers attempted to forcefully arrest her from her house in Igboefon, Lagos state today, February 15.
In a video she shared online, Ezinne said sometime back, she made a post calling out a driver on a cab-hailing app for assaulting her and that ever since then, she has been harassed.
She said she went to the police to make a report of the incident. She claimed she was invited to the Force Intelligence Bureau in Lagos but refused to honour their invitation as advised by her family and friends because she did not want to pursue the case. She also said that she was informed that the said driver had been arrested.
Ezinne said some officers stormed her apartment today to arrest her but that she had to go into her neighbour’s apartment to hide. She alleged that the officers almost stripped her naked because she had only her nightwear on.
Watch the video of her speaking below…