Dependant Schooling in Western Australia

Both public and private schools require the payment of
fees. Fees and access to the schooling system vary,
depending on your level of study (undergraduate,
postgraduate) and visa class.
There are also arrangements for some scholarship students.
TAFE International Western Australia (TIWA) is responsible
for placing dependants in schools in Western Australia
It’s important you read through the information below and
on the TIWA Study at School web page so you’re informed
about the requirements for schooling in WA.
Please note that Kindergarten is not compulsory in
WA, and therefore these placements are limited and not
Please check the costs BEFORE your
dependants arrive in Australia. It’s also essential
to bring your dependants’ immunisation records, birth
certificates, original school reports and copies translated
into English by a professional translator.
TIWA aim to place children in a school as close as possible
to where they’re living. However, there is a high demand
for places in public schools in WA and it may not be
possible to place your dependants in schools closest to your
It’s important to consider your travel to university
and your child’s travel to school. Your child may need to
travel on public transport to attend school if you do not
have independent transportation.
Students with a disability may require specialist
disability provision or support to participate in
education. Their need for support is determined on a
case-by-case basis by the Department of Education, prior to
Intensive English instruction will be arranged by TIWA if
your child requires it. Additional tuition fees will apply.

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