German scholarships for foreign students [DAAD Scholarship]

Woman workingStudying in Germany offers a blend of elite academic institutions, the chance to learn from global industrial giants, and the attractions of a welcoming, cosmopolitan culture. But with that comes the challenge of financing your education. Most German public universities don’t charge tuition, but some programs may require small fees. Living expenses are also relatively low in Germany, but they can still add up.


DAAD Scholarships

Also known in English as the German Academic Exchange Service

DAAD (Deutsche Akademischer Austauschdienst) is a popular academic exchange provider for international students. Since 1925, this Heidelberg-based institution has been dispensing grants for visitors from across the world.

In fact, it’s the largest organization of its kind, worldwide.

What is DAAD scholarship?

DAAD’s Scholarships program is the organization’s centerpiece. Capitalized with €522 million, at any one time, it supports over 140,000 scholars.

Scholarships are provided via any one of DAAD’s 365 member institutions, and cover subjects as diverse as chemical engineering, linguistics, and musical performance.

They are almost exclusively for higher-level masters or PhD study, not Bachelors or other qualifications.

How can I get DAAD scholarship?

DAAD scholarships in Germany requirements aren’t too difficult to meet. To secure DAAD funding, applicants must have completed a Bachelors degree or be in their final year of studies. There is no upper age limit, although there may be a maximum time between finishing your Bachelors and taking up a DAAD grant.

Those already in Germany can also apply, providing they have been resident for less than 15 months. There may be language requirements, although a decent level of English is usually fine for most subjects. Requirements vary, so check the documentation for each grant.

Finding information is very simple. DAAD provides a comprehensive, centralized DAAD scholarship database. It’s possible to conduct keyword searches for DAAD scholarships in Germany.

The application process for DAAD scholarship is also straightforward. Just head to the DAAD site and use the search function. Follow the instructions on the DAAD website and get your paperwork in on time!

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