Average Graduate Starting Salaries in Germany

Average Graduate Starting Salaries in GermanyGermany is a great place to start your career. The job market in Germany is strong, with many opportunities available in various industries. But one thing most people wonder about is what is the average graduate starting salary in Germany?

This article will discuss Germany’s average graduate starting salary, the top 10 fields with the highest starting salary, and the best cities in Germany for finding a job.

Why should you work in Germany compared to other European countries?

The cost of living is lower in Germany, with cities like Berlin having a very reasonable living costs index compared to other major European capitals. This aspect makes it an attractive destination for young professionals looking to start their careers.

Germany also has the second-highest employability rate in Europe, with over 90% gaining full-time employment after graduating. The unemployment rate has also dropped to an impressive 2.9%. These numbers demonstrate Germany’s resilience to economic downturns, making it a safe bet for young workers starting their careers.

Additionally, Germany has an excellent work-life balance. Germans value their life after work and call it Feierabend, which directly translates to party night. This work-life balance is also reflected in the country’s laws and culture. For example, the German government mandates that workers should not have to work more than 48 hours a week, including overtime.

Minimum wage in Germany

Germany has recently increased its minimum wage to €9.82 per hour. This amount corresponds to a minimum wage level of €1,621 per month in a full-time position (40 hours per week).

The average living cost

Next, you might be asking: is it enough to live in Germany with a minimum wage?

The answer is yes, it is, if you are careful with your spending! A single person can live relatively comfortably on a minimum wage salary in Germany. Of course, your lifestyle will be more modest than someone with a higher salary, but it is possible to have a good quality of life on a minimum wage salary in Germany.

Let’s take Berlin as an example:

  • A single person in Berlin could easily spend between €800 to €1,100 per month. This cost covers rent in a shared apartment, homecooked meals instead of eating out, discounted transportation card (paid annually), bills, and any other necessary expenses. With a few careful spending habits, you would still have enough to cover a fun night out on the weekend, plus some monthly savings.
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